Randomness concerning Fall Schedule and Tv.com games
by hobbeshawkeye on Comments
Well, thanks to NBC showing the first two eps of 'Surface' last night I finally got to see it. And out of the Lostettes, 'Surface' is my second favorite, behind 'Invasion' which is turning out to be one of my favorite new shows, and unfortuantly far above the potential ridden 'Threshold'. Why must you be so boring 'Threshold'??? And NBC has also made me very upset. Switching 'Martha' and 'E-Ring' is beyond absurd! Let the poor Pentagon show die! But no, they decide to put 'Martha' up against giant 'Lost' and 'Veronica Mars', why must you torment me so?! At least CNBC shows reruns, but NBC defiently wants this show gone with such an idiotic move. Realtiy ramblings: 'Survivor'- Brianna got the boot, big surprise there, she did NOTHING, oh yeah, she stirred corn, BIG contribution there! 'Apprentice Martha' - Once again the creatives lose, and once again Jim screws over another person, this time its Chuck, I liked Chuck, but rather he than Dawn(why must she face so much screwtiny?) Its going downhill for the creatives and I predict a landslide win by the Corporates. 'Amazing Race'- GAH the Linz family finishing 9tH! Say it isn't so, they are still alive, but thats a big whole to uproot yourself from. My favorites are the Linz, Weaver, and Rodgers family. The Paolos need to go fast, as do teh Gaghans 'I may be small, but I'm NOT stupid' please little girl, spare us from your monoitiny and go home! On to TV.com games, the second edition of Survivor has begun, and seems very fierce. I hope to make it back to the jury, but a little farther than last time ;). And Big Brother is winding down, I'm in the final six, but unfortuantly am up for elimination. I feel completely insecure, I was mistakingly put into an alliance I had no part of and its apparently sealed my fate. But, the veto is coming up and I hope to win it for a spot int he final 5!