What have I been doing lately? Brief blog update. (done at 5am.. posted the following day, so forgive any grammatical/spelling errors)
Lately I've been busy improving my rubik's cube techniques to be faster at it and so far my best time is 37.02 but I'm only averaging about 50-55 seconds. More or less a month ago my best time was 1:18.something, that was before I modified my cube, ie. lubricated it. I'm satisfied with my time but if I can still push it to 40 seconds average that would be even better! I only started cubing a few months ago, (Late May or early June? ) and I'm happy with my progress considering I also have school to deal with. Which leads me to...
I've been trying to be organized and my failed attempt is to compile papers (random ones to school stuff) to folders and label them. All the bio papers and lectures from both summer sessions are neatly compiled along with my sad compilation of chords, tabs and piano sheets. My chem papers ie, lectures from the first two ochem quarters and laboratory stuff - my friend's and mine alike-, are in desperate need of organization. They're all in my room... somewhere in my room..possibly next to the new colony of evolutionary bacteria that wish to relocate permanently under my bed as they have grown accustomed to the heaps of tangled mess. Occasionally I offer them food and so now they consider me their God.
More School Stuff (Cla sses) :
Summer school sucks major anus. Biochemistry is done and only Molecular Bio is left to conquer. I learned how to synthesize a type of chemical that is more powerful (lethal/fun) than morphine. Who says you don't learn anything in biochem? However, just gathering the materials needed would put you to jail. Too bad though..bone cancer patients would wish to have this stuff. Unfortunately, having this kind of drug out and on the market would not only attract those who need it, it would also attract way too many junkies and weirdos. But whatever that's the ethical stuff.. which is beyond the purpose of this blog. Anyway, two more weeks and I'm done with molecular bio, finally. Then I have two weeks of summer vacation and fall quarter begins. Let me tell you, I'm already looking forward to winter break.. Though I'm looking forward to taking the last part of the ochem series, it should be fun. =) I'm a sucker when it comes to Ochem.
I mentioned earlier that I've compiled some of my guitar and piano sheets, so now they look neat and I can just stuff the folder in my gig bag. I had my guitar maintained a few weeks ago and I bought new strings. I forget what strings they were but I like them because they resonate more than the Ibanez strings. Oh and I bought a new guilty pleasure cd off of amazon. com, but I dare not mention the name of the band lest I get made fun of by whoever is reading this.
This has more to do with me posting on the gamespot forums again after a long break.. so yea, I post again. Oh a few days ago I was reprimanded for posting a rather controversial topic and the moderators deleted it. I'm not mad, but I'm a bit disappointed, apparently there are way too many children in the forums and they're not ready for that kind of discussion yet.
Alright, that's about it for now. Not so brief afterall.