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The Killers-Day and Age

I purchased Day and Age today at Target, I heard there was a 3.99$ sale on Amazon but I would much rather have the cd itself. Anyway I have given it a few listens through, honestly I have semi-mixed reactions, there are two songs that jump out to me, and they are their 2 singles Human and Spaceman, both of which have very catchy lyrics. It is definately an album that is going to have to grow on me, which I don't mind; believe it or not I didn't like Sam's Town the first few listens through, but eventually I just liked it more and more, now it's one of my favorite albums. Can I recommend it? For now, I would say to fans of The Killers, it is worth a purchase. Anyone looking to get into them, I would start with one of the first 2 albums, then slowly ease your way to this one. I would like to say I am not at all disappointed, but I have to listen to it a lot more, before I can give an honest opinion.