Oh Kaz. Side note: Knack probably isn't the best game to show first, although I'll admit I haven't played it. After Ryse surprised the hell out of me by being really fun I can't count Knack out despite its low score.
Halo 4 was the weakest in the series, but I still think it was a great game. I think 343i learned a lot from it and will take player feedback into account for the Halo on Xbox One.
I would've agreed if all multiplats ran at 720p on ps4 which isn't the case. PS4 launch lineup>X1's lineup.
It's really not a huge difference. Played on both, and even compared side to side. It's noticeable only if you play really close to your screen (to me at least). As for the lineups I'm pretty unimpressed by both. Really the only "high-quality" title (and I use that term loosely, as it's still not mid-gen quality) is Forza and I'm not even a racing fan. Because of that I'd say Xbox has the "better" lineup but it's not by a large margin. Titanfall/Infamous will really start this generation.
Very hard to vote against Uncharted 2. Gears 2 is an excellent game, but Uncharted 2 was on a completely different level IMO. One of my favorites of the generation.
While I'm more excited for the XB1 exclusives next year than the PS4 ones, I can't deny that there are some solid titles for PS4 that could turn out to be great. Plus, I'm sure there are still some smaller games that haven't been announced yet.
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