You do know its very possible to do that right? :)I honestly think living without electricity would be awesome. It would force me to actually live closer to nature and survive off the land. I'd probably become a farmer and grow my own food, and just spend all my time reading, writing stories, and painting. It would be a much more peaceful life.
hodges_3_5's forum posts
I think I could for a little while, then it would just get old. I would end up dying without tv. You?
Congrats! Thats a good one. I still dont understand why people came into this if they are just going to rag on the game...
This may be crazy thinking, but I think it should be illegal to make things addictive. For example, think how many less smokers there would be if there wasn't nicotine in cigs. This is a different situation, but even coca cola tried to make their product so addictive that they used to put cocain in it. If cocain wasn't so dangerious, it would still be in it. I think it is wrong that companies have to make people addicted to their product to keep on selling. What are your feelings?
Wow, I dont understand why everyone says they have problems with this game. Either im really good or you guys are bad, because in my season im 11-1 right now. :?
I understand what you are saying, and it is very interesting, but I cant help but think you are on drugs...
I couldn't agree more.[QUOTE="hodges_3_5"][QUOTE="rawsavon"] Agreed... It is a slippery slope 'we' tread -starts with smoking, then drinking, then eating certain foods, then driving certain can't just start taking away everything that is dangerous...we choose to live in the US for a reasonpoptart
If we took away everything that's bad for us the world would be a very dull place indeed.
Thats for sure. I think that iss what makes everyone different.
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