Redacted from the documents, the heavenly voice told Wada to gather three others it has chosen to venture forth (probably in a private airship... I mean why wait til the last third of the game to get an airship if you don't have to) and defeat four EA-lemental fiends.
As long as EA continues to elect to trick it's consumers and enact policies to willingly alienate them for the purpose of maximizing leverage on the money you're willing to spend to get all the features or finish a narrative. All the while focusing your attention on appeasing your stockholders over your fans. Yeah you're horrible for the industry EA. Have you forgotten what the "A" in your companies name stands for?
@pal_080 The Animus is a narrative device, genetic memories as well. The story they want to tell is about the past and how it has bearing on the present. Just cause you don't like it doesn't mean it shouldn't be there... that very self-centered view of the AC series is irrelevant. It's their game, their story, their art, their universe.
@phatsanta You can't compare 7 to 13. Entirely different games and your assessment of all Final Fantasy based on playing 1 game in the series is inherently invalid because each is a stand alone story experience from the other iterations (omitting direct sequels like X-2 and XIII-2).
@DarkRaven0021 @DarkSaber2k Borderlands is a novel concept, and all novel concepts lose steam. Borderlands succeeds because of the concept alone. Strip out the RPG elements and you have a janky shooter, strip out the Shooter elements and you have a boring RPG. There is no way to expand upon it, even with Borderlands their future is bleak. This game shows how uninspired their games are and Pitchford will only drive them further into this hole their making.
@DrizztDark Well I'm hardly a kid but my point is that they're not a serious developer. They started off porting games, they made Brothers in Arms games in a time when WWII games were popular. Borderlands sells well but Borderlands 2 doesn't advance the series in any meaningful way. And Aliens Colonial Marines is an uninspired but functional game.
Also Duke Nukem, sure they didn't do the majority of the development but Pitchford stood in front of the gaming public and blatantly lied to us and released a game that had no business being released. And if he looked at that game and ACTUALLY thought this is a good game, I have little hope for Gearbox's future releases with that skewed view of what a good game is.
@AzatiS Gearbox isn't a serious developer, they're a developer that consistently says "wouldn't it be cool if?" and rarely expand upon it in any meaningful way.
Gearbox does 2 things well, porting other developers good games and to a certain extent Borderlands (Tho I would argue Borderlands isn't a good game as much as it is a novel concept with nothing to expand upon).
@DannyWolt @hojo80 It's a business decision,, the money spent on a used game doesn't make it to the console maker, publisher or developer. It's understandable from a business standpoint that those three main entities involved the games production absolutely do not care about used game players. A used game played doesn't show up anywhere on their ledger.
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