Yes yes, hello there, I am still alive, though that may seem hard to believe.
My trip has caused some problems, most notibly the fact that I missed a ton of work. I know what you're thinking "You only missed 4 days of school and you're a senior, how much work could you have missed?"
Let me assure you, my schedual is by no means easy, and the amount of work is definitely not small.
I missed atleast 5 tests due to the trip and countless other assignments and homework that I've been tasked with making up over the past 2 weeks, some of note would be my Adam Smith vs Karl Marx essay for econ, my 2 tests and programs for Computer Concepts/ Visual Basic, 2 Algebra tests, and a project on the Canterbury Tales in Brit Lit. Now pile onto that all the other work I need to do in order to keep up, and throw in a missed day due to a debate. I think you are all inteligent people, yes Electron, even you :roll:, You do the math.
Anyway, since the Quarter is near a close, I've caught myself up on all the work and am now doing pretty well, my schedual is now clearing a bit, and all that is in my way is the English presentation and a debate this Thursday. Today itself has been busy, with a debate meeting after school...and get this, a dodgeball tourney this evening. Yup, dodgeball. My teacher put together a last minute team comprised of about 8 players, we need 6 minimum, but 2 called off last minute, and by last minute, I literally mean in the minutes before we were about to play. There were only 2 guys on the team, and you could only call 2 of the 4 girls "Athletic" and I hate to be sexist here, but jeez, the other two really fulfilled the non-athletic girl sterotype...Anyway we played in a best of 5 match, and lost in 3 straight games. Yours truely had more hits on the opposing player than the rest of the players combined....We played another match, got another good guy loaned to our team for a best of 3 series, won the first match and promptly lost the next 2. It was tough, but fun.
In other news I've just installed Supreme Commander Forged Alliance, have not yet played it, but looking forward to it. I've really cut back on my gaming besides some Halo 3 after school, and hopefully I can start gaming again at a good level. This weekend is looking like a good weekend for gaming, but at this early stage, who knows.
I'm also planning another trip 2 weeks from now, going down to see the Virginia Tech Hokies take on the Miami Hurricanes, should be a great game and even better since it will be played in Blacksburg Virginia, hometown of the Hokies, and where my grandparents currently live. Should be nice, but certain family issues will also need to be resolved, though I will not disclose what due to privacy. Let's just say it's going to be rough over the next couple months.
Well, that's about all....oh I recently watched all 5 seasons of Red Vs Blue....and I have to say even at this totally late stage of the game, I wish they had continued it. It's amazing to say the least.
Alright well you all keep on keeping on. And remember kids.....the cake is NOT a lie :D
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