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Industry Decline

Where does the gaming industry go from here? Many things have happened since the birth of gaming. How do we continue to innovate when so much has already been accomplished? As veteran gamers age, they become weened on the creativity that built the foundation for gaming's rise to glory. Many of them would argue that innovation has plateaued and recycled gameplay mechanics are being disguised with new paint jobs. However, when a new generation of gamers joins the market, these games appear just as new to them as they were to us years ago. Games with incredible amounts of depth and inherent knowledge usually don't attract new gamers, so developers end up having to choose which audience they want to appeal to; the experienced gamers, or the new gamers. As the gaming market expands and gaming corporations become bigger, the answer becomes obvious. Produce high quantities of games, streamlined with a gameplay formula that's already proven successful. From a profiting standpoint you can't honestly blame them, supply in demand after all. I suppose this explains some of the resentment older gamers reserve for "newbs". So I ask you, whats left to inspire modernization with so little motivation? With major genres established, new games with old mechanics, and sequel after sequel. Whats left for the old guys? Will I be forced to grow up and get a life? I don't know, but it feels as though a major part of my life has turned into a monotonous cycle.