Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knows the current price of a new xbox 360 elite at a gaming store like gamestop for example. Your feedback would help me out a lot. Also is it worthit to get the elite? Thanks
Hey fellow gamers, my parents aren't sure if I should spend my money on a 360 but I want to get one so does anyone have any tips on trying to convince them into letting me buy one with my own money. I'm responsible and get good grades and I play it at my friends house and my uncles but could someone give me some advice. Thanks
Hey guys. I was wondering if anyone could help me try to convince my christian parents into letting me buy a 360 which I have the money for. I play one a lot at my uncles house but there still not sure about it. Also if anyone could give me tips on being able to get m rated games like assassins creed even though I'm aloud to play halo 3. Thanks Ps: by the way I'm 15
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