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Im back

Hey guys sorry i cant have connected too much in these days.But i have some familiar troubles.But a have a good new:my grandma is better and she is at home,she now can talk too! Well i hope i didnt miss something (i think)

Stop!!No more exams!!!!

im $%&·ing busy thanks to the college:i had 9 exams in 9 days,i passed 8 of 9 exams,god,the last week are infinite.

Now next week i have 2 more exams and goodbye exams for 2 months(i think)

My brain`s like jimmy neutron:idea:

Mega shut down

One day ago,one central electric burned into big flames and the most of the people (me included) are in shadows. one entire day without electricity is very bad and boring.The worst thing of all is,the electricity shut down when i was saving Gta vice city.Now i must start from 50% progress.( i was in 76,8).

Birthday time!

The friday was my birthday, i go with my friends to the capital,we saw spiderman 3 and Wild hogs(again),after this we go to one of the biggest burger king:man,that are hamburgers.

Later we go to the obelisk and took some photos.

After all things,when i go to home,i was exausted and i dont feeled my legs:lol:

i hav something to say...

well,well i think  never tell this thing,but (i dont know)feel need say this:two years ago,i dont have someone (i hate my faters,dont have friends(except one,but he has the brain of a child of 9)and dont live anymore, but a girl appeared in my life and teaches me the wonderful things of the life .She luv the ff too.after this chain of things,i finish the school basic and go to the polimodal.I make many friends(all of them boys:( )and my life restarted.She dies on an accident,but i dont forget she and teaches leaves her to me....

hey hey happy new year to all!

well well,a new year begins,2006 passed fast.I wonder the 2007 are superb,because final fantasy xiii release in this year(i dont have a ps3,sniff)and great movies release too :the simpsons,jurassic park 4 , die to hard 4,and more(spiderman too).my english its terrible,but because only 2%in my country knows about the ff,i go to american sites,thats kinda lol.Greertings to my friends:riki delgado,julian guzzo,kinetic core,blazingstar,and more.The 2007 surely rocks!!!

bring back these days...

Saturday,4th october.The weather is cloudy,but not bad.I playing onimusha 3,and,suddenly,I felt i must play some old.I get the sega,(I have in a hidden area),turn off the power of the ps2 and play sega.Man,i cry:?:cry:,these days..,i finished my first game when I was 7,Silvestre and tweety Gagey capers is the game.I replayed all games:sonic 3d blast,vectorman 1 and2,Barts nightmare,bart vs space mutants.These games in these era of new tecnology,these games are fun,without violence,blood,complicated stories,sexual things.None of these things have in these games,the games are only fun.how changed the things now....

hell exam continues

oh my gosh.I think i pass the 1st year in polimodal and approved all,but a terrible notice get me mad:evil::Integration exam!!

what mean this?its an exam from all year,ALL:shock:.i have integeration exam to history,maths,national language,and chemical.The worst notice is i have the exams in 20 DAYSSS!!??Man how i can study all  year history,maths,national language and chemical in 20 days???!!HOWWWW?!!!!

10 in two exams

i get a 10 in two exams!!a record!.But if was funny,for history i study only ten MINUTES,and physics i only watch carefully in the classroom.But the day was horrible:a great rain,the streets are covering with water and my umbrella`s broken!!!(@**&%$).But when i go to school,i put an only foot in the classroom(TRUST ME)and the history teacher says me: ovejero,get a pen and a leaf(i think this is the word).I have only 50´ to finish the exam:the (agh damn i cant find the word!!)topics are:1st,2nd,3rd presidence of peron,msi(an theory economy),the dictadures,and the return to the democracy:shock::?.I think i get a 6 or less,when i see the note:IIAAJU!!!i shouted very highh,and the whole classroom saw me.The teacher says me something but :its the break.Thanks to god my parteners dont  remember much.when i go to my house with friends,y parteners twrow me water and other things.The reason:i get 10 in the exam and i only approvated the exam.Really strange:dont you agree?
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