10 in two exams
by holywin on Comments
i get a 10 in two exams!!a record!.But if was funny,for history i study only ten MINUTES,and physics i only watch carefully in the classroom.But the day was horrible:a great rain,the streets are covering with water and my umbrella`s broken!!!(@**&%$).But when i go to school,i put an only foot in the classroom(TRUST ME)and the history teacher says me: ovejero,get a pen and a leaf(i think this is the word).I have only 50´ to finish the exam:the (agh damn i cant find the word!!)topics are:1st,2nd,3rd presidence of peron,msi(an theory economy),the dictadures,and the return to the democracy:shock::?.I think i get a 6 or less,when i see the note:IIAAJU!!!i shouted very highh,and the whole classroom saw me.The teacher says me something but :its the break.Thanks to god my parteners dont remember much.when i go to my house with friends,y parteners twrow me water and other things.The reason:i get 10 in the exam and i only approvated the exam.Really strange:dont you agree?