Well today im SUPER bored and i told Sarah and Jeff (mostly Jeff) that i had the coolest P.E. class ever. So i sent them a link:arrow:. So then they started reading it and it took them a while because i didn't know what they were doing. So then i started thinking that they are making out . :!: :shock: (but they weren't). so then they say eewwwwwww and omg jeez. So i said OMG cheese. So they don't want to know what i was thinking about those girls and i was thinking about those dancing girls. (i was) but i was thinking about that girl in green that is cool and hot (but not hotter then sarah) and now im writing this thing because its to jeff and sarah (they are married but they are not old like those old people over there:arrow:8) ) and yeah thats about it because now i need to post this
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