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Back from ban, again

There 2 reasons to have a blog. 1, to talk about yourself. 2, to rant about stuff thats happened to you.

This post details the latter.

I was banned recently for 7 days for saying to a fella on SW "You sir, are a baboon"

Now i can understand banning people for being rude but this ignorant twonk needed a bit of lightning up so i thought of something funny to say and the mods done got moi a beeefy 7 day suspension.

This brings my moderation history to about 5 pages, honestly I can't see how i get these reductions, close to 7000 posts and i am still at lvl 20 odd. It doesn't bother me greatly in real life (i'll soldier on, lol) but its confusing how much crap you get modded for especailly in that bastien of flaming called SW.

PS. this was my first flaming the rest apparently were spam (rick roll lol i got suspended so many times for that) and a bit of trolling though that is debatable.