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Can't we just put this all behind us?

This is regarding the Wii60 vs PS3 price issue.  I'd like to get one thing straight, I hate fanboys of any kind so I have got the 'right' to say this .

If you want console with wireless contorllers, BR (or equivilent) movies, wifi it is best to get a t PS3 for the money.  To get an Xbox 360 anywhere near this standard with add-ons such as HDTV it would equate to more than a PS3.

I believe the maths has been done many a time (most of the time wrong) and most people know what the real situation is.  But i think if you need to see it again unbiasly i will show you.  This is what a core 360 add a Wii could equal (if Wii does equal $250 which it possibly could), matched up against a core PS3.

Wii60:$250 + $399 = $649                                  PS3: $499

Of course, if you buy two consoles you are most likely buying it for the games.  The premium PS3 pack is not just for games it is for BR movies too, so why compare the Wii60 to a PS3 when they are not intended for all the same purposes.

Moving on from Wii60 (by the way i'm not argueing as a bad choice i'm only saying it is more expensive if you just want to play games), the issue of the 360 vs PS3 value.  It is fair to say, that a PS3 even with excedingly good graphics would not be worth a further $150-£200 more than an Xbox 360 (as you can only need a certain level of realism).  If you just wanted a next gen console with good graphics then you should consider a PS3 core and an Xbox 360 core.

360: $299                                                            PS3: $499

It is quite clear that the PS3 costs more.  But this option really depends on what you value more.  You can stretch to £299 for a very reasonable console or go the extra mile ($200) for a console with better specs.  In terms of value though they are at a tie.

What if you wanted more than just a console?  What if you wanted to play online games, store things on your console, play with wireless controllers, or watch movies in HD.  Both 360 and PS3 have an almost even spec when it comes to this.  But which one has the best value?  Well the PS3 Premium package comes with Wifi, Wireless controller, 60Gb HD, Blu Ray and free online play.  And it costs $599.  The 360 is a bit more flexible in the sense that it doesn't have these things as standard but you can buy them seperately.  The premium 360 is $399.  Here are the defining factors matched up side-by-side for each premium console.

                                     PS3                                                    360
HD                               60Gb free with premium                      20Gb free with premium
Online                          Free (new, might be good/bad)            $50 per anum (4 year life exp. = $200)
HD Movies                 Built in BR (lots of support)                  $100-£200 extra (not much support)
Wifi                              Free built in                                          $60
Wirless controllers      Free with both                                     Free with premium, play and charge $15
Total price                   $599                                                    $674 (no xbox live) $874 (xbox live for 4 years)

There are other issues like the current bugs in 360s and the inter-cooler add-on, but we don't know if PS3 will have this yet so its unfair to count that in the table.

 In conclusion, if you want a gaming machine as a gaming machine and nothing more and you aren't too bothered at having just very good graphics then a core 360 may just be for you.  However, if you want more than a gaming machine and want BR, wifi, online, and a big HD then the premium PS3 is the best value by a long way.