Basketball has nothing to do with this. I don't understand why you keep bashing it. Didn't make the team in high school?
I'm stating my opinion. I'm not searching for women to attack on the internet. If it was a man you were not attracted to would you give a shit? But please stop embarrassing yourself.
Well I guess you're right. I should judge content not appearance. That being said it's probably not her content. If 1000 people can say they want to marry/hump/be inside of, I can voice the opposite. For the record this is the first and last video I watch with her in it. I'm not taking extended time to bash her. Let's just end this. Keep at it Jess, you have a lot of people defending you. You have a following.
Yes because I go around and attack every single person with a job. lol
Why don't you respond and tell me what you people see in her. I get it you're in love with her for some reason that's not apparent to me. But please tell me why.
Because I like basketball I must not like video games? The fact that you have a Mario avatar must mean you like shitty video games and your opinion doesn't count.
honkeytot's comments