Ended up with a few new games. Games that have been on my wishlist for far to long.
- Vampyr
- Final Fantaxy XIII - 3 Lightning Returns
- Vampire Smile: The Dishwasher
- Bayonetta
- The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux
- Dead or Alive 5: Last round
Both Bayonetta and Vampire Smile are games I have played before and wanted to replay for a long time. Vampyr seems interesting, though what about it that I really liked back when I first heard about it I don't remember. I've played FF XIII 1 and 2 so why not finish the story?
Dead or Alive... I haven't actually finished a DoA game since DoA 3 on the first Xbox... Played the fourth somewhat. Hopefully the game got an easy option there.
Ethan Carter... Again I don't remember.