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Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword,My First Impressions

Finally, after finding some personal time from my usually exhausting schedule, I managed to play Zelda Skyward Sword, and i got a deep First Impressions.

First off, the Visuals are SERIOUSLY Nice, its unique mix of Wind Waker and Twilight was well done and i LOVE the blury watermark when something's in the background,its nice to see a beutifully textured Colorful world after playing so many Realistic and grey games.

As far as Character development goes, it was pretty impressive and probably the deepest yet. Zelda and Link have a nice but shy relationship going on and you can see that by the way its playing out, and Groose's whole "Jealous bully" persona fits in the whole thing, he's that "Douchebag you love"

Que "I just forgot what you said cause your pretty"

As Far as Gameplay goes, I am SERIOUSLY in love with the Dashing, sure indoors its just a fast walk, but when outside, its REALLY cool to see link just Dash like thunder and just Zip up those slopes that otherwise takes him 5 minutes to go through normally cause he's so grounded in the other zelda's.

As for the Motion controls, well there WERE confusing moments, at first (Before Sword obtainable) first person view mode(which is better cause you can fully move link when on it now) had a marker that uses Motion to look at stuff or rather, Aim in future things, I HAD troubles controlling them, but then i fully realise something, and that would be that i was focusing on the Sensor Bar, considering the last few games ive been playing regarding motion(Trauma team),then do i realise the true power of the Wii's Motion plus.

Simply put, SCREW THE SENSOR BAR, Your WIIMOTE(Motion plus) does EVERYTHING, despite where the hell the sesor bar is. Its as if the Sensor bar's Existance was to keep the Wiimote connected to the Wii itself, otherwise the Wiimote is all you need to pay attention to, wave left, the marker moves left, and so on. You can Recalibrate the Wiimote so your position is reset to the middle, making any wiimote position no Problem, I would also like to add that Recalibrating is nothing but simply pressing Up/Down(I forgot) on the Wiimotes Dpad, making it like nothing.

When I got to the Sword play, things got really interesting, The controls were intact, but as i said, dont pay attention to where you should swing, as i said, SCREW THE SENSOR BAR, just Slash the wiimote as you would a Real sword and BAM, Awesome controls. The Best way to explain them is, "Hard to Use at first, but Awesome when used to", in my case, and hopefully your's just remember that Motion plus is doing everything for you, dont care how you need to have your Wiimote. I still have ways more to go as far as Motion goes so ill be anxious to see how awesome this will go on for.

So there you have it, as a First Impression, it was interesting, I LOVE the Uniqe Art and Characters already, the story itself is awesome and touching so far. If i had to say my dissapointing segment, it would be that Fi, your companion, was rather short of an intro to that compared to Midna from twilight(Teases your imprisonment as a Wolf and strikes a deal), but then again so was Navi but Fi isnt as Shallow as Navi howver and does have an interesting Personality but i wont know till i play the game more.

Till then, Cya!