hotplayer220's forum posts
EA= new FROST engine
Infinity Ward= One of my favorite devopers and how they drove one of the biggest game franchises in history. Call of Duty UO still a timeless favorite.
But with the loss of two of the big names in that division. This MW is going to lack a bit of the muscle that IW seems to add each installment.
I think BF will be a better game than MW. But MW is still going to outsell BF as it is the household name.
/2 Cents
John Marston by a landslide. Not belittling Cole at all. I just found Martson to be way more memorable through his dialog and overall character.
Not to play SPOILERS...
But Cole, a Silver Star recipiant... for not actually being a hero really in a company of guys who hated him... kinda lame.
The demise of both characters.... that one easily goes to Marston too.
Great game! Pacing isn't too bad. If you keep up with the side crimes it keeps the action levels up. I did use a guide sometimes to speed the longer cases up. Achievements are ok... unless you are going for the big ones... they are quite meticulous. I beat the game in one rental period (7 days).
Some rather silly bugs sometimes, but nothing too cripling at all.
I really liked it. Its a pretty linear story, but you have the chance to sandbox between the story line.
Looked almost like they were trying to make that video/boost there stats. There is no way that they weren't boosting, the other teammate left the medic alone. Plus the UAV was so close to the ground to....
I agree its pretty stupid. IW may have just givin into the Dark Side of the Force right there (they have cookies). As much as I think its stupid, I think maybe if was implemented as a tenacity system for say team play maybe it could work.
For instance:
In a 5v5 game: 3 players of Team X have been eliminated, none of Team Y players have been eliminated. The 2 remaining players on Team X will enter a tenacity sort of perk mode where they can CHOOSE to dual weild in order to increase there fire power. Doing so will decrease accuracy as weapons could only be fired from the hip.
I have encountered no such problem, Everything has worked extremely well for myself. The guys I play with havent had any major issues either really from what I know.
I still think Wolfenstein is pretty sick.
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