Probably the biggest thing I'm excited for with Windows 10 (besides DX12) is the Xbox One to PC streaming. From videos I've seen it looks like it works great, and it will be fantastic for me so I can play on my desktop or my tablet if someone wants to watch tv.
howlrunner13's forum posts
Simple question: At what fps will GTA V run at lowest settings at 1366x768?
One website stated it will work as well as on a PS3 or XBox 360.
According to notebookcheck that card is similar to a gt 720m and will get around 40fps on medium settings at 1366x768. I would expect closer to 30-35 though. Certainly playable, unless it dips a lot. Witcher 3 will not be playable at any settings or resolution.
Anyway, not really the best buy at $700. I've seen brand new machines around $800-900 with a gtx 860m (less if you wait for sales). And Lenovo's outlet regularly has refurbished Y40's (R9 275M) for $500ish and Y50's with GTX 860m for $600ish. Both very good cards that will play games on medium-high settings at 1080p (gtx 860m will do better than the r9 275m)
As for your original post, there is no (that I know of) currently available convertible with a dedicated card. Generally with these types of machines are going for a lightweight, portable design. (who would want a foldable laptop that weighs 5 pounds?) Not really possible with the bulk a dedicated card adds.
It's one or the other right now. You want the portability of a tablet or ultrabook? You get integrated graphics. Gaming machine? Heavier than normal laptop.
Get rid of number 7. He may be a junkie, but he is your wife's brother and giving him a note saying you will shoot him if he walks into the wrong room, is probably not the best course of action (not to mention, you know... murder) Otherwise, I think your list covers most everything, and it is definitely best to lay everything out as PLAINLY as possible, than to blow up later over unspoken rules.
Anyway, I've been through a similar situation, and it's almost never a good time. My dad went through it when he was younger with his cousin moving in and he said it was a nightmare. My personal experience comes from when my sister's boyfriend moved in for 9 months (was supposed to be just 3 months, then became 6, then 9, then almost longer). In my situation we were at the verge of kicking him out and creating a bad rift in the family, luckily he pulled it together enough to get a job and they got married and moved out.
Probably the biggest piece of advice I can give you. From the second or third day he is there (don't jump down his throat immediately), make finding a decent job priority number 1. The sooner he gets a job the sooner he is out of your house. Be on him, constantly asking about applications he's sending in (don't be a dick, be encouraging and helpful, but make sure he is actually doing something). Don't let this slide, can't stress this enough. He WILL just sit there all day and do nothing if you let him.
Also as stated, get this all in writing and have him agree to it. Another thing to be aware of, and this may vary from state to state, but if someone is living in your home for a certain amount of time, you may not be able to just kick them out, even if they aren't paying rent. Again, may depend on state, but you will have to give him an eviction notice, which is usually 30 days. So if you want to stick to your 6 month deal, make sure you look into this.
Another thing is, yes his actions need to abide by your rules, but YOUR attitude can go a LONG way in making this situation as pleasant as possible. If you go about skulking and getting into arguments over trivial things (WHY IS THIS CUP SITTING ON THE TABLE AND NOT WASHED) it WILL BE A NIGHTMARE. Anyways, good luck.
Eastern PA, was -20F early in the morning but has risen to a balmy 14F because the winds finally died down. Expecting a couple more inches of snow, which is pretty much nothing, but will probably turn to ice.
Already preordered the CE on Amazon several months back. I'm pumped.
Yeah, I preordered mine last May as soon as I heard it was available. Cannot wait to play again, my first RTS and probably my favorite game of all time.
Also can't wait to see the amazing Star Wars, Star Trek, BSG, ect.. mods that are certain to come out.
I weigh around 125, so nowhere near fat for my height. Heaviest I've been is around 135 and with that I was a little pudgy. Would like to be about 135 with muscle. Just got to start that workout routine.... any day now...
It's really no contest.
Walking Dead has so many idiot characters and idiot character choices that it can be frustrating watching those fools bumble through the apocalypse, though I do enjoy watching the zombie carnage.
Breaking Bad was brilliant for me. One of the best if not the best TV show I have ever watched.
Awesome! I've been (hopelessly) waiting for an original blu ray release, so this is the next best thing. I'll be downloading them all. Screw you George Lucas.
I hope now that Disney owns the franchise they'll eventually do a original theatrical blu ray release.
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