Not to mention according to many people here, most of PC gamers apparently dont have rigs that are even as powerful as xbone/ps4 combine that with everyone pirating their games...
Yet according to the sales games sell well on PC, so who the hell is buying them?
I say that people both overestimate and underestimate the effects of piracy on sales. It obviously hurts them but exactly how much? How many of these people(most from poor countries it seems) would have actually paid for the game?
Obviously it's still wrong to pirate a game you couldn't afford to get otherwise
Has there been evidence of heavy drm game suddenly selling more?
meh, 10x longer corridors and falling through floors 10x higher than previous.
hope the shooting is more fun. the story better be good.
LMAO, funny stuff.
Eh, The other stuff doesn't matter, hold a shiny object up to them and they'll follow you right into the slaughterhouse. :P
One of the charms of the game is the action and pacing and locations, it's damn difficult if not impossible to pull that off in an open world game. Would be nice for ND to try an open world game next, maybe they can pull of something like The Witcher 3 but do it better somehow with the ridiculous attention to detail.
Sadly I don't think Uncharted 4 on scope of Witcher 3 would be possible on ps4 hardware, Uncharted 4 is already pushing the limits of it.
yep, every gamer from every "creed" talk about graphical fidelity and compare it to other platform. THis is not a console specific issue. In fact, the main culprits of this kind of conversation are hermits. Mainly because thats all they have over the console world... shiney pixels
If you put aside freedom of choice in input devices, modding,superior BC, free online among other things then ye it's only pixels
freedom of choice in input devices - USB keyboard on consoles have been a standard for many years (for games that allow it) which is the same restrictions as PC games
modding - Coming to consoles very soon
superior BC - Again, when you say superior you mean just running old games? sure i can do that on my old consoles too.
free online among other things - Yeah FTP games are online and do not require PS+ (not sure above xbone but that's a joke anyway)
so yes ... then ye it's only pixels, you are indeed correct
Okay how many shooter games on console can I play with a mouse? Can I use xbox360 controller on my ps4?
You expect same level of quality and quantity of mods on console? Cute
Superior as you dont have to go fetch your old console from storage(if you still happpen to have it), Ps4 bc? lol, Xbone one at least has some but most games run worse than they did on 360, this is not an issue on PC
Just because you seem blind to the benefits of open platform it doesn't mean they dont exist. But we can go on
Yeah this sounds like the same things they did with Killzone and The Order if I'm not mistaken. Both games used some sort of trick to get to 1080p and I think Ryse did the same. As long as the game looks and plays well, that's all I want, don't care about numbers.
None used the same
Each game used some sort of tricks to achieve the resolutions they had and really they all looked great in the end. I'm not a developer so I don't know exactly what they used or how they used it just as long as the game looks great. Still 1 of my top 5 games to get this year.
Aye and those tricks were actually all explained here(sadly scattered around n+1 threads) if you care enough to dig around. I am also very excited about QB as I'm a huge Remedy fan and while I like to discuss the technical aspects of games they are by no means make or break for me as I also play games that literally my phone could run.
yep, every gamer from every "creed" talk about graphical fidelity and compare it to other platform. THis is not a console specific issue. In fact, the main culprits of this kind of conversation are hermits. Mainly because thats all they have over the console world... shiney pixels
If you put aside freedom of choice in input devices, modding,superior BC, free online among other things then ye it's only pixels
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