So this is a 12 year old speaking, so you know how people my age experience it. I first played GTA at 8 and thought it was great fun. I loved chopping the heads off with a katana. But, hey, a psycho starts murdering people, and, well, the NRA says guns aren't guilty, people who played video games are. And, yes, we can probably say that 85% of murderers played video games. But wait... So did all other folks! And we can also say that 85% of them ate breakfast. However, the likes of Katie Couric seem not to grasp that. Recently played Black Ops 2 and see no real reason for it to be rated M. The blood - What about the movie "300"? rated it 15+, while it rated Black Ops 2 Not for kids. The blood is not disturbing at all. Tell the NRA that. They think videogames are deadly. They are, but for a different reason - the bright flashes can cause you a seizure and make you die.
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