If ever I had something to complain about it would be NAPSTER. I still remember the first time I saw one of my songs on it and I can honestly say I did not know what to think. Part of me was angry that all that work that I had put into those songs was now available for easy access theft but the other part of me was kind of excited that someone thought to put my creations on a website that was so heavily seen by the public.
Now some you kids will probably be thinking well the hell is Napster? In my opinion, Napster represents the beginning of entertainment theft as we know it. CD's, DVD's and UMD's would all be one day targeted as a socially accepted forms of piracy however, I believe that this is still the beginning.
As this is my first blog I will keep it short. Torrents are bad. Real bad. Please purchase your entertainment and stop thinking that you have a "right" to take that which you do not own.
Thanks for reading.
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