Everything about this game looks great! I will for sure pick this up upon its release. I'm just hoping that the hype train won't over do it. I have to admit that I felt let down by Killzone 2 after all the great reviews went up early about it and the game completely lacked any sense of story and in my opinion was less of a game than Resistance 2.
htvvillain's forum posts
Fable II. Without a doubt the one game I can't stop playing. To think I held off for over half a year to buy it!!!
I hope that the same people hating on video game pirating are against pirating of "ALL" media. Being in the music industry, as a musician, I see the true repercussions of digital theft on a daily basis. Being "virtually" an unstoppable crime, every business connected to the entertainment industry has suffered major cutbacks that include everything from only being able to take on one project every few years to the overall quality of content being released.
Stop stealing and artists of all genres of entertainment can bring you more of and better products to enjoy.
If you want your moneys worth and serious replay value I could only recommend Ratchet & Clank. Uncharted is a fantastic game with a great story but 10 hours is all it takes and there is very little reason to go back through the story again. This is for two reasons: 1) All the enemies look the same and killing them becomes repetetive 2) Puzzles are so simple that repeating them is nothing more than chore at best!
Ratchet is simply a more in depth experience that lasts around 15 hours with tons of upgrades, weapons, enemies, planets to explore and platforming that is surely unique and most often challenging enough.
Dont worry about it being a "kiddie" game it is definetly not! I just believe that this is the kind of game that warrents a $60 price tag and Uncharted could be a killer two day rent.
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