Finally. Actually it wasn't that long, with my finish time at a bit over 27 hours. But I'm willing to admit that at least a few of those were me doing things the hard way. It me longer to master how to play it than it did with the other two Bioware games I've played, KOTOR & Jade Empire. But despite that ... holy sh*t Mass Effect is good. The (surprisingly easy) ending sequence I found to be damn exciting and my heart was racing. But as the credits rolled something occurred to me... Mass Effect is a trilogy. Whoa.
Now despite it's overall greatness it's definitely flawed. The texture popping and frame rate issues bothered me the most because they really detract from how utterly awesome the game looks and sounds. Hopefully any technical issues will be resolved for the sequels which I now officially can't wait for. Spicing up the gameplay wouldn't hurt either. And more deflowering of alien virgins would be cool...