The Dark Knight is overrated (jk)
by hungfar on Comments
Just kidding. Actually it's everything you could possibly want out of a Batman or comic-based movie or even movies in general. I know it's being said all over the place but Heath Ledger's Joker is IN-F**KING-CREDIBLE. I'll spare you any description simply because I can't do it any justice in words, so I implore everyone to GO SEE IT. The supporting cast also does a marvelous job but Ledger definitely steals the show and drives home what a loss his death really is, especially for folks who weren't fans of his previously. I have a couple of teeny tiny complaints though. A couple of lines of dialog don't flow quite right, and Christian Bale's death metal singer voice he gives Batman can sound weak and forced at times but I am really just nitpicking here. This is the triumph that critics hailed the first Tim Burton Batman film as being. A comic book movie nominated for Academy Awards? You never know...