The obligatory GTA4 OMG blog
by hungfar on Comments
We're all playing it so I'll keep obvious stuff to a minimum. Simply put, Grand Theft Auto 4 is one of the best games I've ever played and I knew this within the first hour. I've got about 25 hours in it and at times I'm just overwhelmed by how much stuff I can do in Liberty City. And I want to do it ALL. I've been staying up into the wee hours every day and even when I turn it off I still want to be playing it. It has easily topped Vice City as my series favorite. Two quick things about my experiences thus far: The most recent crazy thing that happened to me occured while I was attempting to fly under all the bridges for the achievement. I was right in front of the last one when a heli-tour copter crashed into me at full speed, knocking off the tail section of my copter. I spun out of control for a few moments when I bailed out, hoping to hit the water below but I got smacked by a blade and was flung to my gruesome death... holy sh*t. The second thing is that just moments ago I heard something during a dialog exchange between Nico and Kate which blew my mind. It was waaay heavy and the most serious thing I've ever heard in a game. It was also delivered perfectly which just sold even more. However I have the feeling that things are going to get waaaaay more screwed up before it's over. Needless to say, I really like this game.