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After 2 long hours of trying to set up my wii to wifi it wouldn't connect. I wonder why. It was probobly because of that comcast router my mom installed last week. Weird. So I tried to set that router up to my wii and it didnt detect it. waaatttt???? its a friggin router! the wii didnt find the acess point?.......the old one used to work! now Im mad! so I called tha lady up on tha nintendo line or something and she said "comcast isnt a router known to the wii" so Im like "waaattttt????" and shes like " will never have wifi again until u get a new router" so..........I tried hooking up the old router and it wouldn't work.........
This means I wont have wifi for now unless I get a new router...........cant afford it...........soooooo no wifi until........a long time.....:(
Peace.........u wont see me on wifi:(