@rraskin @hungryyeti @hpereira86 I admit that 8 is a pretty unfair score just for some minor technical issues and AI problems and would personally give it 9-9.5. I just think 8 isn't a score that warrants such an extreme reaction to it.
Polygons review (someone who doesn't appear to even like the horror genre) however has something to answer for.
@hpereira86 Why does everyone want this game to be a 10 so badly?!! I'm probably about half way through the game and the immersion breaking things are important (especially as this game is survival horror!). Apart from those things and some texture pop-in this is a brilliant game and people forget that 8 is still a great score for a game.
While these issues don't ruin the game they shouldn't just be shrugged off to give the game a 10. In the words of Dr Cox "you shouldn't cheapen what should be an endless pursuit of perfection"
hungryyeti's comments