I played the SNES version, which had more engagement (achievements and special buildings, green-haired helper). Lots of fun, returned to it often.
Deep, involved, complex. My best friend and I mapped the galaxy searching for Rainbow Worlds and secrets. In a gaming world before FAQs, Guides, etc. this was the kind of game you could really get lost in.
I'm a sucker for Pokemon, especially during my college years. I selected this one, because as a fan of the show I really enjoyed getting all the starter pokemon and going on a more story-driven adventure. I've played most of the other versions, but if I had to play only one, it would be this one.
I love ViVi, and I love the art style. This game has gone from hated to underrated to hipster to mainstream. I was always a huge fan. My only quibble is that I hate the card game version in IX.
I bought an Xbox just to play this. Played through twice, once light and once dark, and even did the level-up saving trick the second time to maximize my evil Jedi powers.
I loved Civ I but Civ II took everything that was great and made it better. Just a wonderful game.
I don't know if I was ever more excited for a game than I was for BGII. I think I got this on release day, and I know I spent a lot of time playing it. Went through multiple times, tried the single character solo romp. Killed Drizzt (again). Good times.
The music, the multiple endings, the animation, non-random battles, the wit. This is probably the best game ever.
Aside from WoW and LoL, I think I've spent more time playing this game than any other game BY FAR. It's slow, it's confusing at times, it's lengthy and obscure, and it's fantastic. The opening, where you are asked soul searching question, blew me away.
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