The game may release on Live and Steam or PC-CD. The buttons will display as X-Box 360 on both X-Box 360 and PC because you can use your Controller on the PC. In fact most games that are on PC can be playable with the 360 controller. Surely you don't think all PC games are played with a keyboard and mouse >< o_0.
huntersX2's forum posts
Japanese have an entirely different definition on what remake is. They have already remade FF 7, in fact they've remade FF 7 four times then called them prequels' and sequels'. Now will they actually remodel Final Fantasy 7? Not in this day because they're to busy making money with other sources and more then half of the people who call themselves fans and say that they would buy it will most likely steal a copy of it before it comes out, so why waste the money remaking this oh so favorable game when they can just forget about it. Here is a suggestion, go buy the game on PSN or wait till the PC verson releases on Steam.
Some examples of "remade games" are Resident Evil Umbrella and Darkside Chronicles, Star Ocean 4 was suppose to be a remake. Castlevania Lord of Shadow, New Super Mario bros is but has remodeled levels from both S-Mario Bros and S-Mario Bros 3making it not an actual remake. Ninja Gaiden series is actually a sequel but they call it a remake, I can name thousands of games that claim to be remakes but are actually not. The reason I call FF7 series all remakes because that was their intentions when they made Avent Children, back in 2001 Square Soft let their fans choose witch Fina Fantasy game they would like to see remade and of course the votes were higher for FF7 with FF8 in second so kiss FF8 good bye for remakes. There was also talk about Chronos Trigger remake and Mushashi 2. CT never made it but there was a Mushashi 2 on the PS2 and later came Final Fantasy. No I'm not going to show you prof of this because it was over 5 years ago, that blog page probably doesn't exist anymore plus it was in Japanese and I believe if people are really fans they would keep up with this info.
You need to take this up with Square Enix then.
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