there's quite a few actually: -grim fandango -any scumm game (day of the tentaccle, sam n max etc) -Unreal tournament -quake III arena engine games (jedi outcast, return to castle wolfenstein, quake III arena and other fps's of that era) -half-life -football manager -joint ops -rise of nations -c&c games -morrowind -KOTOR -rollercoaster tycoon 1+2 -age of empires 1+2 -duke 3d -old fps's obv(doom, quake I + II, wolf 3d, heretic) -tribes -homeworld 1 + 2 -empire earth -SWAT III -rogue spear and rainbow six -caesar III -sims -sim golf -sudden strike I + II and blitzkrieg
hunty91's comments