Heh, some of you may remember my post about a "wireless broadband" that was suppose to start servicing my area... back in November. Well, we were put on a waiting list after calling up and inquiring about it and well... this supposed tower that is to provide this signal is no where to be seen and we've not heard back from the company providing it. That is a p!ss off, but I am patient, so I'm just twiddling my thumbs and then I read something in today's paper that says the gov't will be laying down new cable lines as much as it can to help provide additional broadband connections to those who don't currently have them. With a window of Janurary for complete coverage. (The govn't of our province has made a promise to have EVERY household connected to broadband*and thus phasing out dialup completely* by the 2009 and it looks like they're keeping their promise)
So, in review. The wireless service might not happen, but we may just get our hands on broadband via the cable line :D
So, friends, tho it's delayed, I may just be hunting you down in various PS3/PSP/PC games come this Janurary and givin ya the ol smack down :D BRING YOUR GAME!!! SUCKAS!!! :D :D :D AHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAH
PS - THE PORTAL is coming soon, get ready. ;) (*no this isn't a reference to the HL2 mod)