First off, I've been playing around with photoshop too much lately, making w/e I can. My banner being one of them (look above... else - if this post be old try here). Ghost in the Shell themed and a bit more complex than I'm use to, but I needed some freshness to my main page since I took everything down... who knows how long ago.
I've also whipped up some goodies for the Anime Portal Union (click for full sized):
A new banner:
to replace the old one (here)
and an intro pic:
I also did something just for fun, made a friend of mine (Punkhead66) into the joker (ala the new batman movie coming this summer:
Also plan on doing another (with a diff pic), cuz he asked me to.
Other news:
Can't get enuff Ghost in the Shell. Finished rewatching SAC and gonna jump back into SAC2. Started playing the PSP game for the series again and over all spend as much time acquiring GitS goods and living live the GitS way :P Exactly why my banner is the way it is :P
Beat Unreal tournament 3 (PS3) the other day but still play it like crazy cuz its so much fun. Even downloaded some maps from various sources on the net and ported em over to my PS3 to play em, which is amazingly kewl! More devs should support that kinda thing!
Also still playing my heart out with Daxter (PSP) and it has encouraged me to want to finish the series (have only played the 1st and now Daxter - which takes place inbetween 1st and 2nd) and so I bought Jak & Daxter (the first), Jak2, Jak3 and JakX Racing so I can do just that. All realitivly cheap, thanks to ebay.
Speaking of Ebay, I've also bought a book... yeah! an actual book! lol. Catcher in the Rye it be and it's got my curiosity :P So I'm going to read it.
Still havn't written any reviews, sry, I'll try to get them done.
Work kinda sucks right now and I've got that feeling of "Can't wait to leave". Have to look into what I seriously want to do for school.
Resistance (fall of man) 2 was announce earlier this week and I'm stoked! 8 player Co-op, 60 player online matches and loads of other goodies are heading lineing the title thats aimed for this fall. I just hope I'll have broadband by then!!!
Which brings me to my last disappointing tidbit! I'm still stuck on DIALUP!!! WTF!!! 2 companies both promising highspeed and I'm still no further ahead than I was 6months ago. :( :evil: