dont waste your money on shadowrun 360
by huskerman34 on Comments
Man what a waste of innovation, time, and money. I rented Shadowrun for the 360 and played it and was very disapointed. It has no story mode no rpg element and is a online only game. Fasa shouldve not even bother. Shadowrun is one of my favorite games. That saying something considering i like all games that i play. I my share of games. IF ifts broken do not fix it! Next shadowrun should have computer hacking rpg or hack and slash ****elements. Maybe atlus or bethseda shouldve gottent thier hands on this. I like playing games online i think its the future of gaming and helps loners like me socailize with gamers worldwide. But some games need not to have online gaming capabilities. Shadowrun falls into that category. Sob SOb what a waste.:cry: