Trading in and upgrading
by huskerman34 on Comments
Once i get back on my feet im thinking about trading in my 360 for an ultimate or for a ps3. They both will have a 10801 input. I think the 360 looks really good in 720. Theres only one real game that is really good in 1080 and thats motorstorm. I could use the 120 gig harddrive for movie downloads. Ps3 for the Blu ray. What a combination. I really need to work more. I m behind in gaming and anime. Back to the library for anime. The Count of monte christo is really good and bizzare. The character design is good with some out lined indigo funkydelic colors and design. I think of pink Floyd or Greatful Dead. I think you might have to be high to enjoy this anime. But for non drug users its a amine must pretty good. Halo 3 is just around the corner and so is Blue Dragon. Man what a couple of months for xbox 360 owners. I guess i will bable later.