huyh172 / Member

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Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3: rant about haters

in reards to the countless amount of haters about UMvC3 i say to you:

you people are the skum of the earth i swear

even after they have given you the reason why they are doing it, even after they said they where sorry you guys continue to b**** and complain honestly i'm happy for the game cause Upgrades are alaways better then the origional game (see any WoW expansion, SNK vs Capcom 2, Street Fighter 3: 3rd strike, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, etc.) and this a discounted price then if it WAS DLC (as DLC at $5 per character it's $60 alone then consider you're getting new colors, and gameplay changes and it's even more expensive)

plus do you relly think that they just put all of this out seperatly just because they want more money BULL, Capcom added these afterwards cause they couldn't get those things in and/or didn't think of them before the origional's release and to think otherwise is childish and assinine

now think about this next time you think about spoiling us sensable peoples hype for a game you f-in twerps