huzm1335's forum posts
Farcry 3 file save has dissapeared for pc?
Whilst my pc and farcry 3 were on, i accidently unplugged the power cord from the wall. Now when i start farcry, the coninue and load game buttons can't be clicked but only new game can. I can't find my save file anywhere. Can someone please send me a link to a save file which is 50% complete because I was half way through the game where I had just got onto the second island when my save game was lost. please dont send links to sites where you have to do surveys etc. thanks.
Download Fry Cry 3 save game files from here - Raghav_Singhanihe said no surveys man
if you lost your save games or you are unable to continue your game progress you may try this follow-step guide .. there are far cry 3 save games and also fix for save game issue and btw there are no surveys, try it and see if it works 3 file save has dissapeared for pc?
Whilst my pc and farcry 3 were on, i accidently unplugged the power cord from the wall. Now when i start farcry, the coninue and load game buttons can't be clicked but only new game can. I can't find my save file anywhere. Can someone please send me a link to a save file which is 50% complete because I was half way through the game where I had just got onto the second island when my save game was lost. please dont send links to sites where you have to do surveys etc. thanks.
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