if you thought the last three movies were bad you will be cradling them to your bosom after watching this piece of **** star wars. I found myself trying to like this from the beginning but it simply had no atmosphere. it was laughingly bad. it was like an amateur film with triple A graphics.
some good acting but not enough to save this horrible film. chewbaca was a huge pee-you-ess-ess-why??? and old han solo used chewies crossbow better than chewie. the bad guy, howard stern junior, was a tantrum throwing space balls rick moranis who used a helmet and mask not because he needed it but because it made his voice sound menacing. therewere even some dark helmet storm troopers that got me started giggling.
totally forgettable characters. I cant remember a single name, aside from fin, and not even one line from the movie. me and my star wars buddies went in reciting some great lines from the old films but I cant remember a single one from this one. 3p0 looked like a guy in a bad 3p0 Halloween costume. leia sounded like shes been smoking three packs of dunhills a day since the teddy bears won the battle of endor.
how do two people with no training whatsoever know how to wield a light saber against someone who was trained.? zero character development. oh and the green lantern movie called they want their elder back.. I mean the new emperor head of the bad guys.
say what you want about George lucas but without him the magic is gone. this movie is as flat as a pancake. My advice is to wait for this to come out on putlocker and watch if for free.
(waving palm) "this is not the star wars you are looking for. Move Along Move Along"
@grin89 its like the FPS cockpit view of EVE. there is a solo version of online where you can grind up to new ships AND THEN move over to true MP and carry over your ships and loot. AND THEN go back to solo if you want.
There is also private group play with plans for co-op ships
this is a brilliant game. ED puts the pimp hand down on all other space sims.
and its only going to get better. they will include carrier ships, co-op capital ships, and landing on planets straight from space where you can walk around or drive around the surface of millions of planets!
between the 500,000 shares of monsanto bill gates owns and the gubmint listen to you while you sleep chip they put in I am officially not buying this. more for you boys! remember to unplug before your girl comes over OR does national security come with a complimentary box of tissues these days? if you cant find tim osman just use the office directory at the penta-gone next time. his extension is on there.
just another shooter. what a kind review, hey thats what you are paid for right?
arcade level weapon damage just like far cry 2 (un moddable i bet just like far cry 2). silly tribal and hunting nonsense - shows old people trying to make games for children and thinking up jingo buzz themes for an EXTREME (queue bill and ted riff here) wannabee.
graphics are saturated and shadows are not atmospheric whose end result is terrain thats more an eye sore as well as a distraction.
the devs need to decide if they are going to paint AC to look like Far Cry or make a Far Cry game. The first game was lucious, campy and viscious (entry and exit wounds) and lets not forget the awesome K9 mod.
this title smacks of everything thats old and busted about the video game market. pretentious and lazy (AC as a baseboard) design, last gen graphics with a few spots of industry technical skills worthy of a AAA title. How much material does FC3 borrow from AC? thats lazy and reaks of slimy corporatism. The guns are weak and their sounds tinny. the graphics are OK with a been there done that feel to them.
do they include covering up presidential assasinations? maybe denying the existance of cosa nostra? do i get to play dress up with a combat harness and then show up to the oklahoma city bombing to make hero cops like terry yeakey disspear and then turn over the crime scene with a shovel to hide the evidence? a t what point in the game does the director put on his ruby slippers and sing the theme song to the wizard of oz? does the game include running heroin for poppy sherf(f)? or maybe killing nikola telsa or ernest hemingway or general patton or president kennedy or terry yeakey SHEESH can i be an FBI guy??? Please please please please please. I want to play pretend law man.
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