Freespace 3
by hybrid17 on Comments
Well, I was thinking about all this Dereck Smart & Freespace thing and I got some ideas for Freespace 3: First of all at the start of the game you will have to choise to play for Terrans or Vasudans Second: you will you will have to modes to play with. First is just a joystick mode and the other is a mouse mode like in Freelancer. Third: you will have some characters to talk with on your base ship (like your wingmen & your captain) Fourth: when you are in a fight you will hear your wingmen taunt the enemy. 5th: For the first time somewhere at the end of the game you will be able to see shivans in life person. 6th: You will be able to fight for the shivan cause. Well, that's it for gameplay. Now I'll be thinking about the story.