When my 360 went out its needless to say i was disappointed. No next gen gaming for quite a few weeks. This lead me to dust off the old xbox and give it a try. Believe it or not it STILL WORKS PERFECTLY AND IS WHISPER QUIET!!!! Well now that i have that out of my system time to talk about my gaming. I have run thegambit on xbox games by playing KOTOR II: Sith Lords (awesome), various old sports games, Gun (really not as bad as i thought, it won't be replacing Halo anytime soon though), andFlatout 2 (please don't play this game). However, today I recieved by far the best game i have played since my 360 died, Manhunt. While I haven't played that much of it so far I can tell its going to be great.
Manhunt is bloody, grimey, and briliant. As the story has unfolded so far you are an inmate that should have (and most people believe) been executed but instead of slipping into an eternal sleep wake up with no one around you. A voice booms through the intercom saying how you have been givin another roll of the dice and have a chance for survival. Now you are the star of a real blood bath movie in which the director asks you to kill your way out or be killed by "the hunters"for the thrills of an unknown audience.
The game is just flat brutal. The first kill of the game give you a chance to execute the most brutal kill possible by holding down the attack button for an extended amount of time to "charge" it up. In this case i had a plastic bag which i place over the hunters head and then mercilessly beat the tar out of him with blood splattering everywhere. It was sick yet so rewarding.
I like the stealth mechanics of the game and really look forward to diving into the world of manhunt.