For me this game is not as good as they say. Everyone think it is The Witcher so this game must be great but nothing like that, boring game with only one game type and 2 maps.
I think this dev diary is something interesting, because we can hear and see what inspirated developers to create the game in this style. For me this true colors looks very nice in this game, UI is transparently and simply.I'm very interested how developers create the game so this dev diary is something special for me.
Lords of the Fallen was compare to Dark Souls a lot but now when I play on it and read this review I think is similar more to another dark RPG game than to DS. For me this is awesome game, I know it's not ideal but I see very low disadvantages.
Honestly I wait so much on two games on this week. 1. Lords of the Fallen - this action-RPG game looks very promising, and 2. NBA Live 15 - for me this is a classic sport game so I can't miss it.
I think now we must be a little more patient because to release date is only 1.5 months so they probably don't show us too much materials to October. But you know I'm alsocurious something more about this game.
Hyfrin's comments