It's been a while since I said anything here, hasn't it?
Well, for starters I'm in my new place now. It's pretty sweet. I have a big-ass garage which rocks hard. I've got my truck, motorcycle, girlfriend's car, seating area for drinking, weight bench, refrigerator, and beer-pong table. Yeah, it's that big. It's probably my favorite room in this whole place.
I'm in my fifth quarter of school now, more than halfway to my Associates degree. Which makes me feel kinda lazy considering I graduated High School over 5 years ago. Oh well, at least I'm gonna get it, unlike most of my friends. School's going pretty good too, I finished up my Animation-1 final the other night. It's pretty sweet. I'll probably upload it here in a couple days.
I get to go to Seattle tonight. I'll be gone until Sunday night for a friends wedding. This'll be number 4 for me with number 5 coming next month. Is everyone else's friends getting married? Does it annoy the crap out of you too?
I almost got arrested last night. My friends motorcycle was getting towed 'cause he doesn't have his license and the cop wouldn't let me ride it instead. I drove my truck to where my friend was and was gonna let him drive my truck so I could rise his bike out of there. That cop was a jerk. After I argued with him about how he's a State Parks Officer instead of a real cop he threatened to have me arrested for interference. I called him on his BS and he threatened to increase the charges on my friend. I told him what I thought of him and we left. My buddy's getting his bike out of the impound as I type this.
As far as gaming goes, I'm not doing as much as I used to. I totally played through Tales of Symphonia twice so I could get ready for Tales of Symphonia 2. I'm super-stoaked for it. I also started a new game on Jeanne D'Arc for the PSP. It's awesome if you're into Strategy RPG's. I also got FFIV for the DS when it came out. That game totally rocks. It's still kinda hard, but i dig it. I'm stuck on Rubicante right now. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, any advice would be appreciated.
I had my first home SSBB tournament a little while ago. I rocked it with Lucario and took out two other combatants before losing a life. We play 5-stock. Then it was one-on-one with my friend and Link. It was tough, he's good, but I'm better. I can't play online because my Wii never gets any online matches. I'll sit in the waiting room with the punching bag forever. I can play people with friend codes, though.
My best friend is getting discharged from the Air Force in a few weeks. He got busted for a DUI by the MPs while coming onto Base. Not good. On the bright side, he won't be stuck across the country anymore.
Eric Clapton just came on the radio. Sweet. Layla's one of the coolest songs ever. The original, not the acoustic.
What else . . . I played through all the Metroid Primes in one weekend not too long ago. Took a total of 18 hours and change. I wasn't doing a speed-run or anything, I just really dig the story. I also got stuck on No More Heroes. I'm at the number 2 ranked boss-chick and she keeps beating the bejeezus out of me. It's still fun though.
I'll put up some pictures of what it's like out here and what I've been up to (just in case you're interested) and hopefully get back in touch with some of you guys.
And now the Blog Joke;
Two idiots are sitting in a clinic waiting room.
One idiot is crying, the other idiot asks him why he is crying.
He says he came in for a blood test.
"So are you afraid?" The idiot asks.
"No. For the blood test, they cut my finger."
The other moron starts crying profusely and
says "I came for a urin test."