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[Something Catchy]

Where's the time gone. Oh yeah, it went that way.

Now it's 2008, and nothing's changed, except that I hear minimum wage in California'a going up. Doesn't help me at all, but it's nice to hear. I'm still at my job managing a storage facility, living at home, not making enough money, but it's OK, things may change soon. If they don't, oh well. I joined a gym a few months ago and I like that. I go every day for at least an hour and I'm finally getting some results. I don't do any cardio because I hate running, but I'll hit the eliptical once in a while.

But, since this a gaming site I'll get to what we're all here for. Christmas wasn't too long ago, that's when I get most of my games because I don't make enough money to buy them myself. I got a few cool ones too, like both the LEGO Star Wars games on XBOX. I've already borrowed and beaten them, but they're pretty fun so I asked for them. I've already beaten them again, except I have enough time to get 100% completion now. I missed out on Soul Caliber 3 so I got that one, it's more of the same with a little more thrown in, which is always nice, I dig Soul Caliber games. I also got season 4 of Samurai Jack, I don't have any of the other seasons yet, but that will change soon.

I also got Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings for the DS, so that means I'll have to go back and finish FF12 on the PS2. Even if the stories don't completely rely on each other I still have to go about chronilogically. It's sortof an OCD thing of mine. Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker is fun, it requires a ton of level grinding, but I don't mind grining so it works out. The world is actually pretty big for a handheld game, and I'm only a few hours into it.

The best, however, I've saved for last. At about the third present I opened my sister handed me the one she got me and it definitely should've waited until last. Underneath the wrapping paper was Metroid Prime 3. That meant I knew what one of the other gifts was. Yup, I finally got a Wii. I've been playing MP3 and Wii sports almost every day. I got a few games on the virtual console as well. It rocks hard.

Hope everyone's holidays went great, I'll see you all around.