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hyper_apple4U Blog

PS2's farewell...

The PS2 has been around for over 9 years now... but it's still selling games. Last year, we saw some pretty good games (or so to speak) that were released for the PS2. Here are some examples. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3 hits the series for the third time for the third year in a row. It featured an amazingly large character roster but with simple controls, players of the fighting genre can have fun with the game, but will not feel it as a must-have. We also saw Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4. Gamespot's official review called it unique and was one of the better story-driven games of 2008. Let's not forget about Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of memories. For those who missed out on KHII: FM+, you might wanna add this to your KH collection, as the game features great voice acting, terrific visuals, and the same loveable charm that the series never failed to offer. 2009 has already arrived and the PS2 seems to be getting only those games that are available for multiple platforms. These games, like last year, tend to be those with a creative license. Games with a creative license tend to be quite suckish (Wall-E surprised everyone last year though). However, there are some PS2-exclusive games out there, but like last year, they happen once in a blue moon. This year, looks like our first "blue moon" would seem to be Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden, which is coming out this March. Well, it seems nice that the PS2 is doing nicely after all this time... seriously, it's the last one standing of the 6th generation home consoles. But if you think about it though, if Sony keeps making games for the PS2, then that actually gives the PS3 a tougher time selling itself! What do you think? Should Sony keep making games for the PS2, or should they let it die and give the PS3 more attention?

Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3 is coming!

Alright you guys, especially the Naruto fans, Ultimate Ninja 3 is finally coming soon! And it's Going to be much better than the previous two. NUN3 also features the largest character roster for the entire series; 43 characters in total will be available and all the characters from the previous games have been updated. Another feature includes your ability to access between japanese voices or english voices in the Options menu. For more info. visit the official english website at I'm so getting the game!

Help me, PLEASE!

Alright, right now I currently own a PS2. To be honest, I'm quite happy with it! But then the world decided to move on to the more advanced stuff,that pretty much sealed the PS2's future. So what happened? Sequels from some of my collection moved on to the PS3! Particularly, the Ratchet and Clank series. I have been keeping track of all official R&C games since it was first released (with the exception of "Size Matters") and I became a huge fan when a series began to develop. Then I found out there was going to be another installment of the series called "Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction" and was excited for its release. But when I realised it was exclusive to the PS3... so much for that. So I'm really in a pinch right now. I'm still keeping up my marks, trying to stay active, all the while scheming on how to honestly get my own PS3 by no means of cheating or giving my parents that stupid sad look that never works! If any of you guys have ideas, any ideas at all, then please send me a message that might help me or you can email me at Please and thank you!

Hidden Potential

In a world full of opinions, one can say so many on one particular subject, but can sometimes never express the truth due to fear of various situations upon doing so. But then, there comes the Internet...a place where one can freely express opinions and thoughts without harm at all. Websites such as, can grant a person the ability to express his/her opinions through reviews, in this case, opinions about games. In many cases, a reviewer would play a game and write down his/her thoughts giving a somewhat shallow idea to what, if not why the game is that great or that bad. One case I have read a terrible review about Kingdom Hearts. Personally, I love Kingdom Hearts but the guy gave it a 1/10. I really didn't mind, because I always knew that there will always be an extremely different view in practically everything. Anyways, his opinion was quite interesting, so out of curiosity, I'd like to know why'd he think of such. So when I clicked the mouse, I had absolutely no idea why he hates Kingdom Hearts! It is extremely obvious that he simply hates it, but never stated any actual reasons why. All you can read is the word "EVIL!" (please emphasise the fact that the word is all capitalised, ending with an exclamation point) repeated approx. 700 times...literally! Kinda makes you wonder, huh? Well, my actual message here is to thoroughly get to know your game and take your time deeply considering it's pros and cons before making a mindless judgement upon it. Any, if not every game has the potential to be magnificent and likewise the potential to be just flat-out disgusting. In my case, I play a game a minimum of 35 hours which by that time I have figured out why I like or don't like the game. Not only that, I also read reviews from official Gamespot critics and other major game sites, including the opinions by my fellow users, considering their opinions as well. That being said,my reviews are fairly thorough, if not, straight to the point. I just recommend to take your time, really, before giving any underrated or overrated reviews, otherwise your opinions would simply be as meaningless as an empty piggy bank. Games deserve what they deserve and it is really up to you along with everyone else to determine that!