Okay, we all know that the argument has been going back and forth for years. PS3 v 360 v Wii. Now, the Wii has kinda been pushed aside since no one can compete with it's console sales, but the other two have birthed countless arguments between fans.
The Xbox 360 is Microsofts second game console. Taking this into consideration, the fact that they are doing better than powerhouse Sony, is pretty impressive. Microsoft is, and always has been, known as a software company. Their entry into the gaming market was something that could have been taken as a surprise.
The Playstation 3 is...of course... Sony's third gaming console. Sony has always been known for their hardware, so when the original Playstation was released, it was no surprise that it was a spectacular gaming machine. One of the first DVD driven game consoles to support 3D gaming, was sure to be a big hit...and it was.
The Xbox 360 released before the PS3, giving it a boost in sales. The idea behind this was to get a jump on the other 2 main companies, who had already built a large fanbase over the years when Microsoft was not in the race. Which, it did. At least against the PS3.
Now, it seems like the largest arguments against the 360 are... The Hardware failure, the fact that it does not have free wifi adapter, the fact that it still uses standard DVDs, and the fact that you have to pay to play online. All of these issues are obviously things that would influence peoples opinions about the product, but Microsoft seemed to justify the majority of them.
The Hardware failure was something that hit the gaming community below the belt. Somewhere around 33% of all consoles were failing, and being sent back to Microsoft for repair. This was a huge inconvinence, and angered a lot of people. Microsoft owned up to their mistake, offering all owners of the 360, a standard 3 year hardware failure warranty, where they would replace your system if it got the RROD. This warranty cost the companyover a billion dollars, but still seemed to be something to trash talk Microsoft about. It seems like no matter what they do to help us out, their past mistakes can't be forgotten.
To me, the fact that we pay for online is extremely justified. LIVE offers a more user friendly experience, with better online servers, and many more ways to interact with friends than both PSN and Nintendo WIFI. 50$ a year is not a big deal to most people, it seems like the only people complaining are the ones who are on the side of the PS3.
The fact that we have to buy a wifi adapter is probably the worst thing that Microsoft has done to us. The neccesary accessories that we need to play online, are all sold sepeartly, at ridiculous prices. This is a huge let down, but nothing that would make me not want to play my Xbox.
I have to say, my favorite thing abotu the PS3 is the Blu Ray. Not for movies, or the "Superior Graphics" but for the durability, and ability to hold tons more data. This is a must for the next Xbox console.
Now, the PS3... I don't see many large complaints about the PS3. Most of them are opinionated, like the Controller, Game library, and such. Which is classic Sony. It's no surprise their hardware holds up well.My complaint with the PS3 is... the Controller, and the fact that it has yet to live up to it's potential. Everyone preaches about these..."Superior Graphics, and more quality titles" but I just do not see them. The differences in Graphics favor the 360 more often than the PS3, and the number of Quality exclusives still isn't quite on par with 360. While this fall, and next spring seem like they will change that, I am still not convinced. That to, is opinionated. Since I am a huge shooter fan, the shooters of Xbox interest me more than the majority of PS3 titles. Although, games like Resistance certainly entertained me. I did not like Killzone 2, and I fail to see how people count that as a top notch exclusive, that is there to compete the number 1 exclusive on 360, Halo.
The ability to use any standard SATA drive for your hard drive, and the fact that the games are on Blu Ray discs, are my favorite features of the PS3. These are both things I would love to see in the Xbox. Not havign to spend a **** load of money on a name brand hard drive would be amazing.
I do not hate the PS3, I just do not support it as much as the Xbox. The Xbox tends to my needs as a gamer better than the PS3. My gaming style is based on Multiplayer, and the Xbox has the better multiplayer experience. So I will continue to support it. I urge you all to stop this pointless arguing, and play the system that caters to your gaming style.
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