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Sony @ E3

Sony's presentations are usually pretty lame. This year's E3 press conference was more of the same. Start with un-captivating information (PSP). Continue with unimpressive game playing(C'mon guys, act like you've played these games before). And of course, finish on a terribly anti-climatic note.

Now, that being said...Sony's substance always kicks serious behind. A mega secret in controller functionality, excellent upcoming titles, and whew!-thanks-for-including-a hard drive sigh.

I've got to say, I like the price point too. Five-hundred dollars is great for a rock-star machine. And nobody has given me a good reason yet to consider the Six-hundred dollar 60 GB model.

All and all, great press conference Sony. But seriously, but, but, but seriously wow me. Please for the love of god and Pete's sake, wow me.