Hi, Check the Skate review on Gamespot about the framerates issue, the fix is here:
If you dont experience bad framerates with your games/demos now, let it be, dont fix anything, praise yourself lucky with your viewing ability.
I am using XMB fw 1.93, HDMI 720p, Optical digital output dolby/dts.
Change the following settings for the maximum performance to fix bad framerates and responses. Some option couldnt have influence, I dont have time to check it out, you check it out yourself,so I play itwith just disablingsettings when Im playing PS3 games.
XMB settings Menu:
Game settings: PS/PS2 Upscaler=OFF, PS/PS Smoothing=OFF
BD/DVD Settings: Cinema conversion=Video,DVD Upscaler=OFF, BD 1080p 24Hz output=OFF, BD/DVD Audio output format=Bitstream
Music settings: Crossfade playback=OFF, Audio cd output=44.1/88/192kHZ, Bitmapping=OFF
System settings: Notification messages=Do not display
Display settings: Screensaver=OFF
Sound setting: Audio output= optical output or analog, HDMI sound output can cause lagging
Security settings: ALL OFF
Network settings: MEDIA SERVER connection=DISABLE (probably one of the main cause lag, since it scans wifi etc.)
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