Actually, you don't >.> I just tried all the PS1 discs I have, and they all play perfectly fine on my PS3 with the latest firmware. Anyway, TC, you might want to think about calling Sony. I'd give the reformat a shot first though, you never know.u need to downgrade the firmware to play ps1 games
iMuffins' forum posts
1. Yes, you can bridge a connection between your laptop and 360. That's currently how I'm using Live on my 360, and I've found that it works very well. No major bouts of lag or anything.
2. I think there's a limit on how many you can make, maybe 3? Don't quote me on that though, I'm not quite sure.
dont put your trophies on facebook........shabab12...Why not?
Ahh, usually within 2-3 days. I don't really give a toss about multiplayer >.>
You basically tilt the controller to steer the petal to collect other petals, and you press and hold any button on the controller to use the wind the propels the petals forward.How, exactly, is the game played? I have seen some short video clips and photos, but I still don't know what the gameplay is like.
wait for them to price drop it to 5 bucks, its a game you play it once and you won't touch it again.FightingfanFunny, I've played through it multiple times and it still provides the same amount of enjoyment it did the first time. Anywho, I'm a fan of action games (though I play games from all genres) and I thoroughly enjoyed it, maybe you will too. It's the game I play if I need to relax and just have some simple fun, and it never fails in that aspect. For me, at least. It is rather short though.
The time trial/speedrun trophies in Mirror's Edge, mainly due to collision detection issues. There's nothing more frustrating than managing to go through a level perfectly and then go over the time limit because the game decided to not let you grab that final ledge, causing you to plummet a few stories to your death. I mean, I love the game, but it has it's problems. I still replay it constantly though, I've just all but given up on getting those trophies. Not that they really matter.
I don't mind buying used games, but I prefer to get them online. I hate buying used games at local stores because they all have those godawful price stickers on them that are a complete pain to get off...
There are a few places where the framerate dips, but I wouldn't worry about it. It's happened to others, and if I remember correctly the framerate did the same in the original game when I played it when it was originally released, but I could be wrong.
Let's see...
- Wolfenstein 3d
- Battlefield 1943
- Flower
- Call of Duty Classic
- Linger in Shadows
- .detuned
- Silent Hill
- Twisted Metal 2
- Resident Evil 2
- MediEvil
- Resident Evil
A fair bit I suppose...
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