Final Fantasy XIII. Im looking forward to Versus XIII, I have been since the first trailer was shown:D
iP-freely's forum posts
Well, it will be Noctis Lucis Caelum when FFVersus XIII comes out. At this current moment it's Vanille... or Snow. I can't decide between them.
The three single player campaigns are horrible. The multiplayer is a different story however. I thoroughly enjoyed the multiplayer.
Final Fantasy XIII
Thats it.
I don't mind to be honest. The last game I thoroughly played online was CoD4, and I stopped playing that a while ago. Now im playing mostly single player games.
Im not getting it straight the way. At the minute, Im satisfied with FFXIII. I'll probably get it in a month or so
When I play a game and like the first playthrough, I play it a second time. If I enjoy it the second playthrough, I play it a third time. The cycle continues until im bored of playing the game.
And trophies? I don't care for them.
I only use mine when playing with friends.
I think you care way too much.
The ending of Metal Gear Solid 4 where:-
SPOILER(I don't know how to do that clicky spoiler button thingy)
Big Boss dies with Snake kneeling over him.
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