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Level 7!!!!

{this is mostly going to be a recap of my week}

I finally got to level 7: talk show host! if this were a video game that would be really lame, except for in Mario, but im really gettin up there now!!!!! soon i get to have big-girl pants!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!

My Amazing Weekend!

alright. im a little mad at amy, but she's really egotistical and etc., but... we have this band at church and she wrote a song about it. my besties come up to me after church on sunday, and they tell me this so that ill only be hurt and a little pissed, not hurt, surprised, and REALLY pissed (sause then i get a wee bit b!tchy.). anyway, amy want to do her song acoustic. that i knew. wat i didnt know was that she wants only alex, olivia, and her to sing it. not me. its not like im a bad singer or anything. im actually really good. but stupid, mean amy doesnt want me in the group. and the past few weeks she's been acting like im just the backup, which i am, but she doesnt have to act like it.

anyway, after that fun little church fiasco, i went to the movies with mandy and alex. we saw Pirates, and it was sooooo awesome!!!!!!! and they slept over and i went to their house the next day. and then i borrowed veronica mars season 1 (excellent!) and we went to band practice, where amy treated me like crap and did not mention the song.

Krista is a Psycho!

okay. so we're in choir, and we're talking, like normal, and she attacks me with a PURPLE CRAYON!!!! trying to draw on me. well she does and i hit her with my folder because it really hurt. and she was going for my face, most notably my eyes. so she grabs my folder, throws it, nearly hits Katy, and then keeps hitting me!!!! then we have to go sing, so they go out one way and, trying to escape her, I go the other way, trip over a chair and bruise my hip, then  have to stand 40 minutes with it hurting!


last one, i promise. unless you want to listen (read, watevs) me talk about mulch. well. i took the speaking part of the spanish regents on fri, and got 23/24!! yay me!